The MTW Missions Committee of the Missouri Presbytery is commissioned per the Standing Rules of the Missouri Presbytery of the Presbytery Church in America.
Standing Rules Pg. 19 of 30
A. To encourage all churches to have an active Mission to the World Committee and to meet with congregations or any division thereof as appropriate to promote the work of the Committee.
B. To promote a presbytery-wide world missions conference.
C. To exhort and encourage people to consider world missionary service.
D. To encourage outreach to internationals, including students, refugees, immigrants, and professionals in the Missouri presbytery.
E. The Committee is responsible to promote within Missouri Presbytery to work of the General Assembly's Committee on Mission to the World General Assembly's Committee on Mission to the World.
Committee Members:
Dale Hollenbeck
Fielding Poe
Ed Ouimette
Curtis Crumpecker
Anthony Johnson
Devon Tressler
Jan Watson
Diane Preston
Mariah Cunningham
Contact Information: Dale Hollenbeck Email: dale.hollenbeck@mtw.org